My Favorite AI Content Writers For Blogs In 2022

As blogging becomes an ever increasingly popular way to share content, it’s important for bloggers to write quality content more frequently.

That frequency or quantity of content demands more writers or writing time. If like me you’re a one man band then getting assistance is vital. That’s why I turned to AI writing assistants to help me with this arduous task. They’ve helped me tremendously and I don’t know how I managed before.

In this blog I’ll list the best AI content writers for blogs and describe what AI content writing is. By using these writers, you can be sure that your blog will be filled with high-quality content that will help you reach your target audience. So if you’re looking to increase your blog’s content then, give these writers a try!


AI content writers have been around for quite a number of years now. However in recent years the popular AI content writers started utilizing Generative Pr-trained Transformer 2 and 3, now referred to as GPT-2 and GPT-3.

The following links will lead you to more in depth knowledge of the GPT language models. The GPT-2 model was released by Open AI in 2019 and in 2020 the GPT-3 model followed.

Not only are these writers able to create engaging and informative articles, but they’re also able to do it quickly and efficiently. This is a skill that will prove to be valuable, and you shouldn’t underestimate the value of having one on your team.

There’s a number of AI content writing tools available that make blog creation easier and more efficient. So follow on and lets explore them and see how they can work for you and your blog or business.

What’s an AI content writer for blogs

Ai Content writers for blogs are trained specifically to write blog or article content. They generally write longer sentences and paragraphs based off a document outline created from a brief and some keywords you provide related to your blog. You then instruct the AI to start writing your blog.

There are AI content writers for many other uses like social media posts, advertising content, sales funnels and much more. In this article we’re talking only about AI writing tools for blog creation and that’s what I mean by AI writer for blogs.

How can an AI content writer help my blog?

An AI content writer can help you with your blog in a number of ways which I’ll outline below. Not least the actual blog writing itself but the whole process from keyword research, ideas, headings, introductions and conclusions. Each area of a blog post has a purpose and unique style which the writer knows about and will style the writing accordingly.

Blog post topic ideas

There’s a lot of blog post topic ideas that can be explored using the help of an AI content writer. Most AI writers have keyword research tools either included or as an addon via a third party like Semrush.

They allow you to enter a seed word, phrase or topic that you’re wanting to write about. Then the AI writing tool will provide you with a list of topics and ideas to help get you started.

They can also suggest unique angles to explore when writing about a certain topic. Writing from a different perspective will help your blog posts stand out from the crowd. So, if you’re looking for some fresh and innovative blog post ideas, then you should consider using an AI writer..

Blog post outline

I find this one of the most valuable features of AI blog content writing. The post outline can actually speed up the whole writing process even if you are doing the actual content writing yourself. The actual process varies slightly for each tool but the principle is the same for all of them.

Like the topic ideas you enter a seed keyword, phrase or topic to let the AI tool know what write about. Then the writer will write a document outline with suggested headings for the post. You choose which headings are most suitable and or edit some of the heading to suit.

So, with a document outline, instead of having to write a 2,000 to 4,000 word article you’ll have on average 10 headings to write content for. This means writing only 200 – 400 words per heading respectively. You’ll find it much easier and quicker to write the content once all the headings are in place and ready to go.

If you want the AI blog writer to write the whole post or article then you’d add a few related keywords under each heading, highlight the heading and keywords then instruct the AI writing tool to the write that section for you.

Blog post introduction paragraph

Blog post intros follow a basic structure or writing formula. AI blog writers are trained with this in mind. You simply provide a blog title and a few related keywords and instruct the AI to write the intro and boom it’s done in seconds.

You’ll also be presented with 2 or 3 different versions to choose from. If you don’t like what’s written for you then you can instruct the writer to write even more versions to look at.

Blog content improvements

The content is the most important aspect of a successful blog. Improving it can have a huge impact on your website’s traffic and ranking in search engines.

Here are 3 ways AI content writers can help improve your existing blog posts or page articles:

  • Use the AI to expand on the content that’s already written and increase the overall content length quite easily.
  • Instruct the writer to re-phrase some sections of the text to improve readability.
  • Tell it to rewrite whole sections in a different tone of voice to make the content more engaging.

Blog post conclusions

Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge and insights with a wider audience.

Writing blog post conclusions is similar to the introductions. They have their own style and structure which AI writers have been trained on and understand. However with all aspects of ai blog writing they are assisting you and not taking over your role as the human.

Therefore you need to make sure the conclusions reflect your own thoughts and if they don’t then you can manually edit what’s needed to make the conclusion yours.

Blog post SEO

The blog post SEO is best performed through manual analysis of the topic and by looking at the current search results for the topic you want to rank for. Having said that many bloggers are not SEO experts and don’t have the knowledge to undertake the manual analysis.

If this is you then this is where the AI writer can help.

By using the blog outlines and allowing the AI to suggest headings for you then your SEO will improve over doing no SEO work at all. Try to select the content headings offered that include your chosen keyword or topic. And also ensure that the content throughout the post stays on topic.

It’s also a good idea to use one of the many SEO plugins available if you’re using WordPress for your blog. In fact some of the best known SEO plugins like RankMath and Yoast have started using AI in their tools too.

Then once the content is added to wordpress you can use the SEO plugin to tweak the content to improve the on page SEO even further.

My Favorite AI Content Writers For Blogs in 2022

If you’re a blogger looking for to speed up and improve your blog content creation then read on. I’ve used almost every AI blog writer there is out there and here’s a list of my favourites for blogging.

My favorite AI content writers for blogging.

Each writer offers something a little different either in the work flow or depth of functions and features. They have been around for some time and the early versions weren’t so good to be honest. But now with the release of the GPT-3 learning models the benefits of using these tools can no longer be ignored.

They are learning and improving all the time. So, whether you’re a beginner or a content veteran, I recommend checking out the work of these 8 AI blog post writers for blogging in 2022. They’re all great at what they do, so you can be sure your blog creation will benefit whichever you choose to work with.


If you want a versatile AI writing assistant, Writesonic’s GPT-3 language model is a good choice. It uses powerful AI to generate well written blog posts, and other text based content like emails, social media posts and product descriptions. Writesonic works in over twenty languages and is easy to use.

The software started development only 2 and half years ago and are recommended by Techradar as the Best AI Writer of 2021 and 2022. It write content for any type of blog, including business and lifestyle blogs. Their aim is to use natural language processing technology to create engaging and human-readable content that stands out from the competition . Highly recommended!

Writesonic - AI Content Writers For Blogs
AI Content Writers For Blogs

Writesonic Ai Blogging Tools

Writesonic is one of the best AI blog writing tools on the market. They specialise in long form copy which drastically speeds up the whole writing process.


  • Easy to use and good user interface.
  • Free trial of 6,250 words.
  • Low pricing, good value.


  • Words credit pricing structure.
  • Credits are used even if the writing is no good.
  • Economy word setting is pointless.

Writesonic Pricing and Offers

Writesonics pricing is based on the quality of the words you choose to use in the settings. There are Premium, Good, Average and Economy so basically for the same money you get more Economy words than, Average, Good, or Premium words.

  • Short Form: Â£15/month for 12,000 Premium, 30,000 Good, 60,000 Average, and 12,00 Economy words used.
  • Long Form: Â£19/month for 19,000 Premium, 47,500 Good, 95,000 Average, and 190,00 Economy words used.
  • Free Trial: 2,500 Premium words or 6,250 Good words only.

Writesonic Special Offer: Pay annually and get 33% discount.

Take Writesonic for a spin

Read The Full Writesonic Review

AI Writer

If you are looking for a content writer that can help you with your blog, then consider using an AI writer. AI Writer specializes in writing full articles and blog posts from minimal input. Ideal for all bloggers out there especially those who require more content than average. Plus, you can subscribe to their “Content Kit” and outsource the writing.

AI Writer content - AI Content Writers For Blogs
AI Content Writers for Blogs

AI Writer Blogging Tools

 Intro: AI writer is one of the few writing tools which specialise in long form content written from just a title or heading as the input.


  • Produce long form content quickly.
  • Little input required.
  • Option to outsource the work.


  • Articles will need some rewriting.
  • The document library needs improvements.
  • Some content seems stilted.

Product Pricing and Offers

AI writer offers a free trial for all users to test drive the platform.

  • Price Plan 1: $29/month – Write up to 40 articles – Ideal for beginners.
  • Price Plan 2: $59/month – Write up to 150 articles – For serious bloggers.
  • Price Plan 3: $375/month – Write up to 1000 articles – For agencies.

Special Offers: Free trials for new users.

Take AI Writer for a spin

Go To Full AI-Writer Review


Ink is a content writing service that can help you create quality content. They offer a suite of AI tools for bloggers and authors however it seems content marketers are their target audience. The tools consist of the AI writer, SEO optimizer, Copy Assistant and Content Planner. And you don’t have to worry about grammar or spelling because that available too!

Inkforall Content - AI Content Writers For Blogs
AI Content Writers for Blogs

Inkforall Ai Blogging Tools

Inkforall suite of AI content tools is an all rounder with the perfect blend of creativity and productivity.


  • Suite of 4 AI tools to choose from.
  • Tool bundle pricing.
  • Content planner, a useful addition to anyone’s toolset.


  • There’s a small learning curve for all the tools.
  • Some AI outputs are not as requested. (Normal level for AI)
  • Nothing really negative about this toolset.

Inkforall Pricing and Offers

Inkforall has 4 tools and bundle pricing.

  • AI Writer: $20/month per user – Unlimited AI words/month.
  • SEO Optimizer: $20/month per user – unlimited articles/month.
  • Copy assistant: $10/month per user – Unlimited text writing/month.
  • Content Planner: $8/month per user – 1,000 keywords/month.
  • Toolset Bundle: All tools $50/month per user

Special Offers: All 4 tools have a free version with limited use, well worth trying.

Take Inkforall for a spin

Read The Full INKforall Review

Copy ai

Copy AI is a great tool for content marketing. Their suite of over 90 content types are designed to help blog writers, social media marketers and email marketers. In addition to the many writing tools available it lets you to write in over 25 different languages. This is great for launching your content in other countries without the need of translators. Copy AI offer training on how to use their tools and get the most out of them which is always useful.

AI Content Writer for Blogs - Copy.Ai
AI Content Writers for Blogs

Copy Ai Blogging Tools

Over 90+ Content types/tools for boosting your productivity and breaking through the writers block.


  • Fantastic support and training
  • Huge library of content types
  • Templates for common tasks


  • Slow output compared to other platforms
  • Free ai blog writer 7 day trial however that’s enough to test
  • A bit pricy for the 300k/month words Pricing and Offers

The pricing is based on words used with all 90+ tools included at all levels

  • 2k Words: $0/month – Free plan 2k words maximum
  • 40k Words: $49/month – $36/Yearly (3 months free)
  • 100k Words: $99/month – $74/yearly (3 months free)
  • 300k Words: $279/month – $209/month (3 months free)

Special Offers: Free plan for 2k words and custom enterprise pricing over 300k words.

Take for a spin

Read The Full Review

Frase is a new AI content writing platform that promises to make your life easier. It’s a machine learning platform that can identify and answer questions in a variety of languages, including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, and more. The core of their content building is centered on consumers or search visitors questions. If you’re looking for a way to automate your blog writing tasks and make your life easier, Frase may be just what you’re looking for.

AI Content Writer for Blogs -
AI Content Writers for Blogs Ai Blogging Tools

In their own words: “Frase helps you research, write, and optimize content that ranks 1st on Google – in minutes instead of hours”. Note that the ranking on Google part doesn’t take minutes. 🙂


  • Great for writing blog outlines with SEO headings.
  • Writes long form content really well.
  • Excellent for rewriting existing blog posts.


  • You must read the tutorials to get the most out of it
  • It’s not the most intuitive design.
  • The price is higher than it’s competitors

Frase Pricing and Offers has two standard pricing plans Basic and Team with additional custom enterprise pricing and an SEO addon.

  • Basic plan: $44.99/month or $39.99 if paid annually.
  • Team plan: $114.99/month or $99.99 if paid annually.
  • Enterprise plan: Contact for custom pricing.

SEO Addons: An additional $35/mo

Take Frase for a spin

Read The Full Review


Jasper is a content creation tool that can help you write blog posts and social media content quickly and easily. With its AI content writer, Jasper can help you with dozens of content writing tasks with the aid of templates. For SEO optimised content jasper integrates with Surfer SEO to provide optimisation for the search engines. Jasper comes with excellent tutorials and support to get you up to speed using the tools fast.

AI Content Writer for Blogs - Jasper
AI Content Writers for Blogs

Jasper Ai Blogging Tools

 Jasper contains around 50 AI writing tools to boost productivity.


  • 50+ Templates for quick results.
  • Surfer SEO integration.
  • Excellent training and support.


  • Not the cheapest especially when combined with Surfer SEO
  • Learning curve to go through to get the best out of it.
  • A bit of salesy hype but it does work when you’ve learnt the platform.

Jasper Pricing and Offers

They offer a 5 day money back guarantee.
Their accounts are word usage based feature levels which makes it tricky to find the best value because the lower “starter” package doesn’t include all the tools.

  • Starter Plan 20k Words: $24/month
  • Starter Plan 35k Words: $40/month
  • Starter Plan 60k Words : $65/month
  • Starter Plan 75k Words: $82/month
  • Boss Mode 50k Words : $49/month
  • Boss Mode 100k Words : $82/month
  • Boss Mode 300k Words : $232/month
  • Boss Mode 700k Words : $500/month

Special Offers: No free trials just 5 day money back guarantee.

Take for a spin


Rytr boasts of boosting your writing productivity by 10. Write your blogs, emails, testimonials and reviews up to 10 times faster using the Rytr platform. Established it 2021 Rytr is powered with GPT-3 technology a machine learning platform that helps you create high quality content. You don’t need any special skills or experience to use Rytr – just answer a few prompts and let Rytr take care of the rest! With dozens of use cases Rytr makes an excellent team member or AI assistant for your writing gigs.

AI Content Writer for Blogs - Rytr
AI Content Writers for Blogs

Rytr Ai Blogging Tools

 Rytr is an AI writer that lets you automatically generate high-quality content for numerous use cases.


  • The platform UI is simple and intuitive making it easy to use.
  • Free trial available.
  • Includes a plagiarism checker.


  • Not as advanced as some of the other tools but i prefer the simplicity.
  • As with most AI writers the outputs can sometimes require rewriting.

Rytr Pricing and Offers

Easily one of the most cost effective AI writers on the market.

  • Free Plan: $0/Month – Up to 40k characters /month limit.
  • Saver Plan: $9/Month – Up to 100k characters / month limit.
  • Unlimited: $29/Month – Unlimited characters /month

Special Offers: Pay annually and get 2 months free.

Take Rytr for a spin


Copysmith is an AI writing tool set aimed at marketers, ecommerce teams and creative agencies. Having said that their tools also work for entrepreneurs and bloggers alike.

Their platform boasts great integration features for teams and agencies such as project and file sharing with other team members. Creating bulk content and product descriptions with import and export tools. In addition to the team features they also integrate with Google, Shopify, Woocommerce, Zapier, Microsoft word and more.

Like most AI tools today they have many ready made templates for your content creation for common task such as writing product descriptions, blog templates and social media ads. If you’re looking to get your blog posts written in a hurry and with quality that matches or even exceeds the level of content you would produce on your own, then using a copywriting tool like Copysmith is worth considering.

AI Content Writer for Blogs - Copysmith
AI Content Writers for Blogs

Copysmith Ai Blogging Tools

 Copysmith enables agencies and marketers to generate content and collaborate on content projects with team members.


  • Integration with Google and Zapier
  • File and Project Sharing
  • Team chat


  • As with most AI some outputs do require editing (That’s normal)
  • Bulk imports are only available in the enterprise plan

Copysmith Pricing and Offers

3 Plans available with either monthly or yearly subscription

  • Starter: $19/Month – $16/Month if paid annually you save $36
    75 Credits = Up to 40k words + 20 plagiarism checks.
  • Professional: $59/Month – $50/Month if paid annually you save $108
    400 Credits = up to 260k words + 100 plagiarism checks.
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing

Special Offers: Save up to $108 by purchasing an annual subscription

Take Copysmith for a spin

The Pros and Cons of using AI Content Writers for your blog

Writing blog content yourself can be time-consuming and difficult and that’s where AI content writers come in. They can help you create content quickly, while also providing high quality work. However, there are a few key things to keep in mind before diving in. So, based on my experience I’ve listed below a few of the pros and cons of using ai writers for your blog.

The Pros of using AI Content Writers

  • The number one advantage is speed. There’s no question that AI writers can produce blog content so much faster than writing everything yourself.
  • Another advantage is the volume. They allow you to product a larger volume of words than you would write normally.
  • Improved article structure with the use of outlines and headings.
  • Basic SEO included with creation of the headings and blog outlines.

The Cons of using AI Content Writers

  • The cost of using AI writers can quickly add up over time. If you’re on a budget then look to use the most basic writers first.
  • There is a learning curve. A lot of time will be taken up learning how to use these tools before they start to improve your productivity. In the beginning you’ll think that you can do it quicker manually. However stick with it and the speed and volume will come.
  • The accuracy is not 100% it’s very close but you still need to proofread and edit the writing produced.
  • They are not human. You have to provide quality input to get quality output.

What an AI Content Writer Can’t Do!

Ai writers are brilliant and can boost your content creation to high levels. However as mentioned earlier you they can’t do all the work on their own. You have to provide quality inputs for the AI to retrieve the detailed writing you require.

They can’t provide images for your content either. So you still have to produce the media content like images and videos for example. Both of which take time.

Ai writers can’t work on their own initiative, you can’t say “here write me 4 articles on the best 4 man tents” and leave it to get on with the work like you can do with human writers.


They don’t have the same emotions as humans.

Quality blog content is not just about the words on the page. It often includes emotions and feelings.

Ai writers can’t write with human emotions so if you’re writing a letter of complaint and your angry about something then the anger will be reflected in the writing. The same goes for most human emotion, like sadness, loneliness, depression, happiness, excitement and so on.

Yes, they’ll try to insert the right words for each emotion however when you read it back it doesn’t give you the feeling that’s intended for the written piece.

Writing skills

They don’t have the writing skills of a human.

AI content writers are not human and as such, they some of our skills that we often don’t notice and take for granted. While AI content writers are good at automating tasks, they often lack creativity and the ability to think outside of the box- something that is essential for writing compelling blog posts.


They can’t empathize with your audience.

When it comes to content marketing, sometimes you have to empathize with your audience. Like having the same experiences and knowing how the readers feel about certain things. Using AI content writers can often lead to content that sounds canned, ence the importance of providing good input instructions. They simply can’t write from experience!


They don’t have real life experience

It can be tricky for AI content writers to produce quality blog posts that are engaging and informative. One reason for their limitations is because they lack real life experience, that humans do. In addition, blog posts should be updated on a regular basis in order to keep the information up to date and relevant and AI writers currently can’t perform this task easily.

In depth SEO research

They can’t do in depth SEO research

If you’re not familiar with SEO techniques, then using AI content writers may be a good option for you. These writers are not necessarily experts but will help to get you started.

Most of the Ai writers will simply compare the top 10 or 20 search results and offer content suggestions based off that. But SEO experts will tell you that’s not enough and that more in depth SEO research is required.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, AI content writing is definitely worth considering as it can help with the SEO even if it is basic and can increase website traffic without any additional resources.

My thoughts

As a blogger, one of the most difficult tasks is consistency of writing content on a regular basis.

We all start with great intentions to write x number of posts each month. But as you know 3 months down the line and your output has dropped 50%. Another 3 months and the output is down by 75% and within a year most bloggers will have stopped altogether.

Does that sound familiar?

And this is where AI blog writing can really help. They can give you a leg up when you’re struggling for ideas. They can break topics down into more manageable chunks so you’re not overwhelmed. And finally when you’ve learned the nuances of providing good inputs the writing quality will improve and your productivity will be boosted.

For me they are a productivity booster. They will never replace the human element of writing blog content. And long as you remember that and use the tool as intended they you’ll find they are a fantastic tool to have and I wouldn’t be without one now.

Can AI write blog posts?

Yes, but not completely on their own. AI can write blog posts if the author has enough information and knowledge about the topic. In particular, AI can help in providing helpful tips and suggestions during the writing process, as well as improving overall content quality.


The competition for readers eyeballs online is immense. More and more blogs are being created everyday, blog posts are getting longer and the number of posts per blog continues to increase.
Maybes this is a result of Ai writers coming online over the past couple of years, who knows. All I know is that if you want to compete as a content creator you either need an army of writers behind you (at great expense) or you utilise Ai content writers to help you.

What do you think?

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