AI Guides

ChatGPT 4 – Release Notes

ChatGPT 4 – Release Notes

ChatGPT 4 Released March 14th 2023 OpenAI, the world’s leading artificial intelligence research laboratory, has finally launched ChatGPT 4, a new and improved version of its predecessor, ChatGPT 3.5. The company has been developing this technology for several years, and it has been focusing on delivering the best version possible to its users. The new model boasts incredible capabilities and…

What Is ChatGPT APP

What is The ChatGPT Application? The ChatGpt app is a conversation-based AI chatbot that uses natural language processing to provide interactions with users. The app uses artificial intelligence to answer users’ questions and respond conversationally. It can learn from previous inputs and reports from users allowing it to become a better and more accurate chatbot. Is The ChatGPT App Free?…

Is OpenAI Owned By Elon Musk?

Is OpenAI Owned By Elon Musk?

OpenAI is a research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. The organization conducts research in the field of AI with the stated goal of promoting and developing friendly AI in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. The organization was founded in San Francisco in late 2015 by Sam…

Is ChatGPT free?

Is ChatGPT free?

ChatGPT is a computer program created by a company called OpenAI that can hold a conversation with you in a way that appears natural. It is designed like a chatbot to answer follow-up questions, admit when it makes a mistake, and even reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is similar to another program called InstructGPT also made by, which can follow…